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Рубрикатор :: Безопасность, связь и коммуникации :: Другое :: The Russian digital (paid) TV market: state and development trends
Название отчёта: The Russian digital (paid) TV market: state and development trends (артикул: 04251 13848)
Дата выхода: 6 Октября 2009
География: Russia
Период: 2009
Количество страниц: 151
Язык отчёта: Английский
Стоимость: 57 000 руб.
Способ предоставления: электронный
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Полное описание отчёта

Main research objectives are:
1. Environment and economic activity estimation in terms of analysis of business processes occurring on the Russian digital (paid) TV market.
The research period is 2004-2009.
2. Revelation of development tendencies of the Russian digital (paid) TV market, expediency definition and possibilities of investors penetrate to it in conditions of turbulent market environment.
The general trends and development forecasts of the Russian digital (paid) TV market are considered over near-term outlook.

Information sources:
1. Statistics figures of Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, and Russian Ministry of Communications and Informatization.
2. Companies press releases, branch and expert estimations of mass-media.
3. Own informational resource and extensive enterprises database of Information Agency «CredInform North-West».

Outlook content:
The marketing review «The Russian digital (paid) TV market: state and development trends» is structured into four sections according to contents.
The first section is devoted to description of a general market characteristic, in particular: digital TV market state including: general state of the TV market, trends, basic development factors and problems of market.
The analysis of the general market state allowed defining the sizes and market potential in kind and value terms.

In the given section there are data on key participants as well, controlling the market in whole; public associations are also presented. Besides, state of digital TV is described in following segments: a segment of cable, satellite, IPTV and mobile TV; and also HD and LCD-TVs market of digital TV; the market operators’ distribution is shown in some regions.

In the second section features of the digital TV market in more details are revealed, viz: an infrastructure of foreign and Russian commercial space complex broadcasting in territories of Russia and the CIS countries; VSAT market; a network of radio & TV transmitters; general condition of the Russian commercial space-rocket complex; target programs of the Russian space-rocket industry development (existence of the digital TV market is almost impossible without space-rocket industry).
Also key financial estimated figures of leading market participants are presented in the review that allows in a sort to understand efficiency and productivity of their financial and economic activity.

Besides estimations and opinions of market participants on occurring situations and general prospects of further market development are resulted in the report; a profile of companies is presented who assume to take part in project of TV digitization and their key financial and economic activity figures. Participation of the state in realization of TV digitization project is considered as an individual question.
The third section contains data on basic Russian participants with their short characteristic, viz: owners of satellite capacities and service providers specializing in signal lifting; rendering of services by means of VSAT-terminals; service providers of channel communication; manufacturers of encryptions; manufacturers of digital equipment; cable operators; manufacturers of the Internet services; operators of mobile communication; manufacturers of TV content.

General prospects of the further market development and its segments are also considered in the review; forecasts in kind and value terms by base, optimistic and pessimistic variants of development detailed on number of subscribers and market profitability and its segments are presented. The given aspects are included in the fourth section of the report.

Подробное оглавление/содержание отчёта

    1. General characteristic of the Russian digital TV market 3
     1.1. State of the Russian digital TV market 3
     General condition of the digital TV market 5
     Development trends of the digital TV market 10
     Development factors of the digital TV market 11
     Problems of the digital TV market 22
     1.2. Size of the Russian paid and digital TV market 24
     1.3. Competitive environment 25
     Leading participants on adoption of digital TV in Russia 25
     Associations in the Russian digital TV market 32
     Foreign manufacturers and suppliers of equipment for digital TV 38
     1.4. Digital TV in the Russian market of paid TV 41
     Segment of cable TV 45
     Segment of satellite TV 46
     Segment of IPTV 49
     Segment of mobile TV 53
     1.5. The Russian market of TV sets for digital TV 54
     Segment of HD-TV sets (High definition TV – high definition TV sets) 54
     Segment of LCD-TV sets (Liquid crystal display TV sets) 57
     1.6. Regional aspect 58

    2. Features of the Russian digital TV market 61
     2.1. State of a commercial space-rocket complex 61
     Infrastructure of foreign commercial space complex broadcasting in territories of Russia and the CIS countries 61
     Infrastructure of the Russian commercial space complex 66
     The Russian VSAT market (Very Small Aperture Terminal) 74
     Network of radio & TV transmitters in Russia 80
     General state of the Russian commercial space-rocket complex 80
     Target programs of the Russian space-rocket industry development 82
     2.2. Estimations and experts opinions of the Russian digital TV market 90
     2.3. Probable participation of the state in realization of TV digitization project 97
     2.4. Companies assuming to take part in project of TV digitization 103

    3. Leading Russian participants of the digitization market and short characteristic of basic "players" 117
     3.1. Owners of satellite capacities and service providers specializing in signal lifting 117
     3.2. Rendering of services by means of VSAT-terminals 125
     3.3. Service providers of channel communication 126
     3.4. Manufacturers of encryptions 127
     3.5. Manufacturers of digital equipment 128
     3.6. Cable operators 130
     3.7. Manufacturers of the Internet services 130
     3.8. Operators of mobile communication 131
     3.9. Manufacturers of TV content 132

    4. General trends in the market and forecast of the market development for 2009-2012 134
     4.1. General trends in the digital (paid) TV market 134
     4.2. Forecast of the market development for period 2009-2012 139


Перечень приложений

1.1. Distribution of frequencies spectrum by consumers
1.2.Basic trends of the digital TV market in Russia
1.3. Manufacture of TV sets in Russia in 2005-2008, pcs.
1.4. Manufacture of TV sets according to licences of foreign firms based on import components in Russia in 2005-2008, pcs.
1.5. Manufacture of color TV sets in Russia in 2005-2008, pcs.
1.6. Manufacture of TV sets with screen diagonal no more than 42 cm (of total output of color TV sets) in Russia in 2005-2008, pcs.
1.7. Manufacture of TV sets with screen diagonal 42-52 cm (of total output of color TV sets) in Russia in 2005-2008, pcs.
1.8. Manufacture of TV sets with screen diagonal 52-72 cm (of total output of color TV sets) in Russia in 2005-2008, pcs.
1.9. Manufacture of TV sets with screen diagonal more than 72 cm (of total output of color TV sets) in Russia in 2005-2008, pcs.
1.10. Manufacture of color TV sets according to licences of foreign firms based on import components in Russia in 2005-2008, pcs.
1.11. Retail sale of color TV sets detailed on federal districts of Russia in 2005-2008, thousand rbl.
1.12. Building construction in 1st half of 2009
1.13. Capacity of the Russian paid TV market in value terms in 2004-2009гг., $ million
1.14. Capacity of a digital TV segment in the Russian paid TV market in value terms in 2008-2009., $ million
1.15. List of members of Association of cable television of Russia
1.16. List of members of National radio association
1.17. List of members GLONASS/GNSS-Forum
1.18. The Russian digital and paid TV market detailed by quantity of subscribers in 2008, million people
1.19. The Russian digital and paid TV market in value terms in 2008, $ million
1.20. Structure of leading operators in the Russian digital and paid TV market, thousand people
1.21. Operators of digital and paid TV in Northwest federal district
1.22. Operators of digital and paid TV in Privolzhsky federal district
1.23. Operators of digital and paid TV in Southern federal district
1.24. Operators of digital and paid TV in Uralsk federal district
1.25. Operators of digital and paid TV in the Siberian federal district
2.1. Orbit group of some foreign commercial satellites
2.2. Orbit group of the Russian commercial satellites
2.3. Quantity of established VSAT-terminals in Russia working under national projects
2.4. Quantity of VSAT-terminals in networks of the Russian VSAT-operators in 1 half of 2009
2.5. Suppliers and VSAT-equipment consumers in Russia in 2008, pcs.
2.6. Forecast estimation of the Russian commercial space-rocket complex level with respect to the world
2.7. Growth factors of the Russian commercial space-rocket complex
2.8. List of Federal goal-oriented programs on development of high technologies in Russia, billion rbl.
2.9. Estimated figures of financial and economic activity of OAO «Natsional’nye Telekommunicatsii»
2.10. Estimated figures of financial and economic activity of OAO «Sistema Mass-Media»
2.11. Estimated figures of financial and economic activity of ZAO «Akado-Stolitsa»
2.12. Estimated figures of financial and economic activity of OAO «Svyaz’invest»
2.13. Estimated figures of financial and economic activity of OAO «Teleradiokompaniya «TVT»
2.14. Estimated figures of financial and economic activity of ZAO «Er-Telekom»
3.1. Contact and other information of the largest Russian owners of satellite capacities and service providers specializing in signal lifting
3.2. Contact and other information of the largest Russian service providers by means of VSAT-terminals
3.3. Contact and other information of the largest Russian service providers of channel communication
3.4. Contact and other information of the largest Russian manufacturers of encryptions
3.5. Contact and other information of the largest Russian manufacturers of digital equipment
3.6. Contact and other information of the largest Russian cable operators
3.7. Contact and other information of the largest Russian manufacturers of the Internet services
3.8. Contact and other information of the largest Russian operators of mobile communication
3.9. Contact and other information of the largest Russian manufacturers of TV content
3.10. The Russian manufacturers of content for paid TV
3.11. Companies-distributors of content for paid TV
4.1. Capacity of the Russian paid TV market in value terms in 2009-2012, $ million
4.2. Capacity of a digital TV segment in the Russian paid TV market in value terms in 2008-2012, $ million
4.3. Base forecast of the digital (paid) TV market capacity in value terms in 2009-2012, $ million
4.4. Base forecast of the digital (paid) TV market capacity in kind in 2009-2012, million people
4.5. Optimistic forecast of the digital (paid) TV market capacity in value terms in 2009-2012, $ million
4.6. Optimistic forecast of the digital (paid) TV market capacity in kind in 2009-2012, million people
4.7. Pessimistic forecast of the digital (paid) TV market capacity in value terms in 2009-2012, $ million
4.8. Pessimistic forecast of the digital (paid) TV market capacity in kind in 2009-2012, million people
4.9. Structure of the Russian advertising market in 2008 (January-June) and 2009 (January-June), billion rbl.
1.1. Dynamics of manufacture rates of TV sets in Russia in 2005-2008, pcs.
1.2. Rates of TV sets output manufactured according to licences of foreign firms based on import components in Russia in 2005-2008, %
1.3. Rates of color TV sets output in Russia in 2005-2008, %
1.4. Rates of TV sets output with screen diagonal no more than 42 cm (of total output of color TV sets) in Russia in 2005-2008, %
1.5. Rates of TV sets output with screen diagonal 42-52 cm (of total output of color TV sets) in Russia in 2005-2008, %
1.6. Rates of TV sets output with screen diagonal 52-72 cm (of total output of color TV sets) in Russia in 2005-2008, %
1.7. Rates of TV sets output with screen diagonal more than 72 cm (of total output of color TV sets) in Russia in 2005-2008, %
1.8. Rates of color TV sets output manufactured according to licences of foreign firms based on import components in Russia in 2005-2008, %
1.9. Turns and rates of retails of color TV sets in Russia in 2005-2008, thousand rbl.
1.10. Volumes of color TV sets realization detailed on federal districts of Russia in 2008, %
1.11. Scope of works on activity category «Building» in Russia in 2005-2008 in value terms, billion rbl.
1.12. Increase rates of the Russian paid TV market capacity in value terms in 2004-2009, %
1.13. The Russian digital and paid TV market detailed by quantity of subscribers in 2008, %
1.14. The Russian digital and paid TV market in value terms in 2008,%
1.15. Leading operators of cable TV detailed on number of subscribers, thousand people
1.16. Share structure of leading cable TV operators detailed on number of subscribers, %
1.17. Leading operators of satellite TV detailed on number of subscribers, thousand people
1.18. Share structure of leading satellite TV operators detailed on number of subscribers, %
1.19. Leading operators of IPTV detailed on number of subscribers, thousand people
1.20. Share structure of leading IPTV operators detailed on number of subscribers, %
1.21. Quantity of users of leading broadband access operators in 2009 (April-May), thousand people
1.22. Increase rate of users base of broadband access operators in May by April, 2009, thousand people
1.23. Dynamics of TV sets and HD-TV sets realization volumes in 2007-2012, million pieces
1.24. Map of influence spheres of the largest participants of the digital (paid) TV market in Russia
2.1. Basic consumers of VSAT-services in Russia
2.2. Types of service in the VSAT market
2.3. Share structure of VSAT-operators detailed by quantity of VSAT-terminals in 1 half of 2009 (TOP-10)
2.4. Operators of space commercial vehicles
2.5. Share structure of VSAT-networks on some space vehicles
2.6. Basic expense items under TV digitization till 2015, million rbl.
2.7. Program financing «Tele-radio broadcasting development in the Russian Federation for 2009-2015», million rbl.
3.1. Comparison on segments of base development scenarios of the digital (paid) TV market in value terms in 2009-2012гг., $ million
3.2. Comparison on segments of base development scenarios of the digital (paid) TV market in kind in 2009-2012гг., million people
3.3. Comparison on segments of optimistic development scenarios of the digital (paid) TV market in value terms in 2009-2012, $ million
3.4. Comparison on segments of optimistic development scenarios of the digital (paid) TV market in kind in 2009-2012, million people
3.5. Comparison on segments of pessimistic development scenarios of the digital (paid) TV market in value terms in 2009-2012, $ million
3.6. Comparison on segments of pessimistic development scenarios of the digital (paid) TV market in kind in 2009-2012, million people
3.7. Base, pessimistic and optimistic variants of the digital (paid) TV market capacity in value terms in 2009-2012, $ million
3.8. Base, pessimistic and optimistic variants of the digital (paid) TV market capacity of in kind in 2009-2012, million people

1. Example of brief supplemental company information
2. Analysis of estimated figures of financial and economic company activity
3. Analysis of foreign trade company activities

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Российский рынок телекоммуникационных услуг, маркетинговое исследование и анализ рынка
1.1. Понятие услуги
1.2. Показатели социально-экономического развития
1.3. Влияющие и смежные рынки
1.4. Резюме по разделу
2.1. Сегментация Рынка по основным видам услуг
Фиксированная телефонная связь
Подвижная (мобильная) связь
Услуги передачи данных (Интернет)
Платное телевидение
2.2. Резюме по разделу
3.1. Объем рынка
Фиксированная телефонная связь
Подвижная связь
Услуги передачи данных
Платное телевидение
3.2. Резюме по разделу
4.1. Особенности сбытовой политики на Рынке
4.2. Сегментация игроков рынка
4.3. Описание профилей крупнейших игроков Рынка
4.4. Ценообразование на рынке
4.5. Нормативные документы, регулирующие деятельность на рынке
4.6. Основные каналы продвижения на рынке
4.7. Резюме по разделу
Рынок оборудования видеоконференцсвязи России
В мае текущего года использование средств Резервного фонда в целях обеспечения сбалансированности федерального бюджета не осуществлялось. По состоянию на 1 июня 2010 года совокупный объем Резервного фонда составил ХХХХ млрд руб., что эквивалентно ХХХ млрд долл. ХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХ В Латинской Америке развлекательная индустрия будет развиваться быстрее, чем в других регионах мира, полагают аналитики. Совокупные темпы годового роста там составят ХХХ%, и к 2014 году рынок вырастет до ХХ млрд долларов. По прогнозам PricewaterhouseCoopers, рост российского рынка будут обеспечивать, прежде всего, интернет-реклама, расходы на платное телевидение, доступ к Интернету и видеоигры. В минувшем году, отмечает компания, рынок развлечений и СМИ в России составлял ХХХ млрд долларов, к 2014 году показатель, как ожидается, вырастет до ХХХ млрд долларов. По оценкам компании, в 2009 году Россия стала крупнейшим по объему рынком доступа в Интернет в Центральной и Восточной Европе, россияне потратили на услуги доступа к Сети ХХХ млрд долларов. Аналитики ожидают, что в ближайшие пять лет совокупные темпы годового роста сектора составят ХХ% и к 2014 году объем рынка вырастет до ХХ млрд долларов. Рынок онлайн-игр вырастет с ХХХ млн долларов в 2009 году до ХХХ млн д…
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