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Рубрикатор :: Продовольствие/ пищевая промышленность :: Полуфабрикаты :: Russian market of frozen semi-finished products: current situation and forecast for 2013-2015
Название отчёта: Russian market of frozen semi-finished products: current situation and forecast for 2013-2015 (артикул: 15661 13848)
Дата выхода: 4 Декабря 2012
География: Россия
Количество страниц: 375
Язык отчёта: Английский
Стоимость: 117 788 руб.
Способ предоставления: электронный
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Полное описание отчёта



Region of research: RUSSIA AND REGIONS OF RF

Main blocks of research:















The segments of frozen semi-finished product market considered in the research:





Largest Russian enterprises with the profiles made up:










Production volumes, financials, balance sheets, profit and loss statements, cash flow statements, subsidiary companies and other information about main enterprises are represented.

Information sources used:

Federal State Statistics Service

Ministry of economic development

Federal Customs Service

Federal Tax Service

Field expert evaluations

Retail sales reports

Materials of the field's main players

Field print and electronic publications

The research contains 144 schedules, 108 diagrams, 159 tables and 2 schemes.


As per Intesco Research Group, the volume of domestic market of frozen semi-finished products in physical terms was *** t in 2011 having increased by *** 326 t or **, 6% in comparison with 2010. The predicted value of this index amounts to *** t in 2012 that is by **% more than market volume in accordance with the results of 2011.

*** t of frozen semi-finished products were imported to Russia in 2011 accounting for **,5% of domestic market volume in physical terms. Thereafter the Russian products had **,5% of market.

In 2010 there was an increase in delivery of products of this segment to Russia by **% or by ** t. In 2011 ** t of frozen semi-finished products were delivered to Russia.

According to Intesco Research Group estimations, the volume of domestic import of frozen semi-finished products dropped in 2012 (by **%) compared to 2011 and amounted to *** t.

As per the results of January-July, 2012, frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato occupied ***% in the structure of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products in physical terms. Frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood made up fourths of deliveries (**%). **% had frozen fruit and berries. And frozen meat semi-finished products had the smallest share at **%.

As per the results of 2011, ** t of products were exported from Russia, that is ***t or 35% more than a year before.

As per Intesco Research Group estimations, the export volume of this product will reduce by **% up to **t in physical terms in 2012.
Frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood occupied **% in the structure of domestic export of frozen semi-finished products in physical terms in January-July of 2012. Frozen fruit and vegetables had fifths of all frozen semi-finished products exported to other countries. The share of meat semi-finished products occupied **% in the structure of export, **% - of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato.

Подробное оглавление/содержание отчёта



    1.1. Population of Russia

    Population number

    Largest cities

    Social standard of living

    Economic activity

    1.2. Economic situation

    Dynamics of economic development

    Stability of the state budget

    1.3. Position of Russia in the world

    Share of RF in the world population


    2.1. Classification of frozen semi-finished products by all-Russian classification of products by types of economic activities

    2.2 Classification of frozen semi-finished products by all-Russian classification of products

    2.3 Classification as per commodity nomenclature for foreign economic activities


    3.1. Dynamics of Russian market volume

    3.2. Structure of Russian market

    3.3. Share of import on the Russian market

    3.4. Dynamics of import share on the Russian market

    3.5. Consumption of the product in Russia




    6.1. Frozen meat semi-finished products

    Dynamics of Russian market volume

    Import share on the Russian market

    Dynamics of import share on the Russian market

    6.2. Frozen semi-finished products out of fish and sea food

    Dynamics of Russian market volume

    Import share on the Russian market

    Dynamics of import share on the Russian market

    6.3. Frozen fruit and berries

    Dynamics of Russian market volume

    Import share on the Russian market

    Dynamics of import share on the Russian market

    6.4. Frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato

    Dynamics of Russian market volume

    Import share on the Russian market

    Dynamics of import share on the Russian market


    7.1. Characteristics of the largest players

    7.2. Largest players on the market of vegetables and fruit


    8.1. Frozen semi-finished products (in total)

    Production structure by types

    Production volume by years

    Dynamics of production volume by months

    Production volume by federal districts of RF

    Production structure by federal districts of RF

    Production volume in the regions of RF

    Regional structure of production

    8.2. Frozen meat semi-finished products

    Production structure by types

    Production volume by years

    Dynamics of production volume by months

    Production volume by federal districts of RF

    Production structure by federal districts of RF

    Production volume in the regions of RF

    Regional structure of production

    8.3. Frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood

    Production structure by types

    Production volume by years

    Dynamics of production volume by months

    Production volume by federal districts of RF

    Production structure by federal districts of RF

    Production volume in the regions of RF

    Regional structure of production

    8.4. Frozen fruit and berries

    Production volume by years

    Dynamics of production volume by months

    Production volume by federal districts of RF

    Production structure by federal districts of RF

    Production volume in the regions of RF

    Regional structure of production

    8.5. Frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato

    Production structure by types

    Production volume by years

    Dynamics of production volume by months

    Production volume by federal districts of RF

    Production structure by federal districts of RF

    Production volume in the regions of RF

    Regional structure of production


    9.1. Dumplings

    Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises

    Structure of production by the largest enterprises

    9.2. Cutlets

    Production volumes of the largest enterprises

    Structure of production by the largest enterprises

    9.3. Minced meat

    Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises

    Structure of production by the largest enterprises

    9.4. Frozen poultry semi-finished products in small pieces

    Production volumes of the largest enterprises

    Structure of production by the largest enterprises

    9.5. Frozen breaded poultry semi-finished products

    Production volumes of the largest enterprises

    Structure of production by the largest enterprises

    9.6. Meat meals with garnish and pies stuffed with meat

    Production volumes of the largest enterprises

    Structure of production by the largest enterprises

    9.7. Meatballs

    Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises

    Structure of production by the largest enterprises

    9.8. Vegetable and fruit semi-finished products

    Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises

    Structure of production by the largest enterprises

    9.9. Freshly frozen vegetables and vegetable mixes

    Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises

    Structure of production by the largest enterprises м

    9.10. Potato semi-finished products

    Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises

    Structure of production by the largest enterprises

    10. IMPORT

    10.1. Frozen semi-finished products (in total)

    Structure of import by types

    Dynamics of import volume by years

    Dynamics of import volume by month

    Import volume by countries of origin

    Import structure by countries of origin

    10.2. Frozen meat semi-finished products

    Structure of import by types

    Dynamics of import volume by years

    Dynamics of import volume by month

    Import volume by countries of origin

    Import structure by countries of origin

    10.3. Frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood

    Dynamics of import volume by years

    Dynamics of import volume by month

    Import volume by countries of origin

    Import structure by countries of origin

    10.4. Frozen fruit and berries

    Structure of import by types

    Dynamics of import volume by years

    Dynamics of import volume by month

    Import volume by countries of origin

    Import structure by countries of origin

    10.5. Frozen vegetables, mashrooms and potato

    Structure of import by types

    Dynamics of import volume by years

    Dynamics of import volume by month

    Import volume by countries of origin

    Import structure by countries of origin

    11. EXPORT

    11.1. Frozen semi-finished products (in total)

    Structure of export by types

    Dynamics of export volume by years

    Dynamics of export volume by month

    Volume of Russian export by countries of destination

    Export structure by countries of destination

    11.2. Frozen meat semi-finished products

    Structure of export by types

    Dynamics of export volume by years

    Dynamics of export volume by month

    Volume of Russian export by countries of destination

    Export structure by countries of destination

    11.3. Frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood

    Dynamics of export volume by years

    Dynamics of export volume by month

    Volume of Russian export by countries of destination

    Export structure by countries of destination

    11.4. Frozen fruit and berries

    Structure of export by types

    Dynamics of export volume by years

    Dynamics of export volume by month

    Volume of Russian export by countries of destination

    Export structure by countries of destination

    11.5. Frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato

    Structure of export by types

    Dynamics of export volume by years

    Dynamics of export volume by month

    Volume of Russian export by countries of destination

    Export structure by countries of destination


    12.1 Meat semi-finished products

    Dynamics of average producers` s prices by years

    Dynamics of producers` prices by months

    12.2 Dumplings

    Dynamics of average producers` s prices by years

    Dynamics of producers` prices by months

    12.3 Minced meat

    Dynamics of producers` s prices by years

    Dynamics of producers` prices by months

    12.4 Meat semi-finished products in big pieces

    Dynamics of average producers` s prices by years

    Dynamics of producers` prices by months

    12.5 Meat semi-finished products in portions and small pieces

    Dynamics of average producers` s prices by years

    Dynamics of producers` prices by months

    12.6 Other meat semi-finished products

    Dynamics of average producers` s prices by years

    Dynamics of producers` prices by months

    12.7 Frozen fish fillet

    Dynamics of producers` s prices by years

    Dynamics of producers` prices by months

    12.8 Vegetables and mushrooms frozen

    Dynamics of producers` s prices by years

    Dynamics of producers` prices by months

    12.9 Ends of cuts, ragout

    Dynamics of producers` s prices by years

    Dynamics of producers` prices by months


    13.1 Dumplings, mantou, ravioli

    Dynamics of retail price by years

    Dynamics of retail price by months

    13.2 Minced meat

    Dynamics of retail price by years

    Dynamics of retail price by months

    13.3 Fish fillet

    Dynamics of retail price by years

    Dynamics of retail price by months

    13.4 Frozen vegetables

    Dynamics of retail price by years

    Dynamics of retail price by months



    Reference information


    Production volumes of products

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash-flow statement



    Reference information


    Production volumes of products

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash-flow statement



    Reference information


    Production volumes of products

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash-flow statement



    Reference information


    Production volumes of products

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash-flow statement


    14.5. “AIS-PRODUCT” LTD

    Reference information


    Production volumes of products

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash-flow statement



    Reference information


    Production volumes of products

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash-flow statement


    14.7. “LINA” LTD

    Reference information


    Production volumes of products

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash-flow statement


    14.8. “RAVIOLI” LTD

    Reference information


    Production volumes of products

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash-flow statement


    14.9. “ELIKA” LTD

    Reference information


    Production volumes of products

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash-flow statement



    15.1. Consumer`s preferences of frozen semi-finished products

    15.2. Criteria while choosing frozen semi-finished products

    15.3. Rating of most famous brands of dumplings in Russia

    15.4. Rating of most famous brands of dumplings in Moscow and Saint –Petersburg

    15.5. Consumer`s preferences of frozen vegetables and fruit



Перечень приложений

List of schedules:

1. Population number in Russia in 2000, 2005, 2010 and forecast for 2015 and 2020, ths. peop.

2. Dynamics of actual disposable money profit of population and its annual growth rate in 2000-2010, %

3. Dynamics of number of the employed and unemployed in RF in 2006-2010, ths. people

4. Dynamics of share of the unemployed in economically active population by FD of RF in 2006-2010, %

5. Dynamics of GDP in prices of 2003 in 2002-2010, bln. dollars

6. Investments into the fixed capital of RF in 2001-2010

7. Executed surplus/deficit of consolidated budget of RF in 2006-2010, %

8. Dynamics of total external debt of RF and its share in GDP in 2001-2010

9. Consumer price index in RF in 2001-2010, %

10. Share of RF in the population of the world in 2000-2010 and forecast until 2100

11. Share of RF in the world GDP in 2001-2011 and forecast for 2012-2016, %

12.Dynamics of volume of Russian market of frozen semi-finished products in 2009-2012*, t

13.Dynamics of volume of Russian market of frozen semi-finished products in 2006-2012*, bln. dol.

14. Consumption of frozen semi-finished products per a year in Russia per capita in 2009-2012*., kg/person.

15.Main places where frozen vegetables are bought, % of number of respondents

16.Dynamics of Russian market of meat semi-finished products in 2009-2012*, t

17.Dynamics of volume of Russian market of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood in 2009-2012*, t

18.Dynamics of volume of Russian market of frozen fruit and berries in physical terms in 2009-2012*, t

19.Dynamics of volume of Russian market of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potatoes in 2009-2012*, t

20.Dynamics of volume of Russian production of frozen semi-finished products in 2009-2012*, t

21.Dynamics of volume of Russian production of frozen semi-finished products by months in 2009-August, 2012, t

22.Dynamics of production of frozen semi-finished products in federal districts of RF in 2009-2011, t

23.Dynamics of production of frozen semi-finished products in main regions of RF in 2009-2011, t

24.Dynamics of volume of Russian production of frozen meat semi-finished products in 2009-2012*, t

25.Dynamics of volume of Russian production of frozen meat semi-finished products by months in 2009-August, 2012, t

26.Dynamics of production of frozen meat semi-finished products in federal districts of RF in 2009-2011, t

27.Dynamics of production of frozen meat semi-finished products in main regions of RF in 2009-2011, t

28.Dynamics of volume of Russian production of semi-finished products out of fish and seafood in 2009-2012*, t

29.Dynamics of volume of Russian production of semi-finished products out of fish and seafood by months in 2009-August, 2012, t

30.Dynamics of production of semi-finished products out of fish and seafood in federal districts of RF in 2009-2011, t

31.Dynamics of production of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood in main regions of RF in 2009-2011, t

32.Dynamics of volume of Russian production of frozen fruit and berries in 2007-2012*, t

33.Dynamics of volume of Russian production of frozen fruit and berries by months in 2008-August, 2012, t

34.Dynamics of production of frozen fruit and berries in in federal district of RF in 2007-2011, t

35.Dynamics of production of frozen fruit and berries in in main regions of RF in 2007-2011, t

36.Dynamics of volume of Russian production of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potatoes in 2009-2012*, t

37.Dynamics of volume of Russian production of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potatoes by months in 2009-August, 2012, t

38.Dynamics of production of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potatoes in federal districts of RF in 2009-2011, t

39.Dynamics of production of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potatoes in main regions of RF in 2009-2011, t

40.Dynamics of production volumes of dumplings in the largest enterprises of RF in 2007-2009, t

41.Dynamics of production volumes of cutlets in the largest enterprises of RF in 2007-2009, t

42.Dynamics of production volumes of minced meat in the largest enterprises of RF in 2007-2009, t

43.Dynamics of production volumes of poultry semi-finished products in small pieces in the largest enterprises of RF in 2007-2009, t

44.Dynamics of production volumes of meat meals with garnish and pies stuffed with meat in the largest enterprises of RF in 2007-2009, t

45.Dynamics of production volumes of meatballs in the largest enterprises of RF in 2007-2009, t

46.Dynamics of production volumes of quickly frozen of fruit and vegetable products in the largest enterprises of RF in 2007-2009, t

47.Dynamics of production volumes of freshly frozen vegetables and vegetable mixes in the largest enterprises in RF in 2007-2009, t

48.Dynamics of production volumes of frozen potato in the largest enterprises of RF in 2007-2009, t

49.Dynamics of volume of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products in physical terms in 2007-2012*, t

50.Dynamics of volume of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products in cost terms in 2007-2012*, ths. dol.

51.Dynamics of volume of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products by months in physical terms in 2007-July, 2012, t

52.Dynamics of volume of import of frozen semi-finished products by months in money terms in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dol.

53.Volume of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products by the largest countries of origin in physical terms in 2011, t

54.Volume of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products by the largest countries of origin in money terms in 2011, ths. dol.

55.Dynamics of volume of Russian import of frozen meat semi-finished products in physical terms in 2007-2012*, t

56.Dynamics of volume of Russian import of frozen meat semi-finished products in cost terms in 2007-2012*, ths. dol.

57.Dynamics of volume of Russian import of frozen meat semi-finished products by months in physical terms in 2007-July, 2012, t

58.Dynamics of volume of Russian import of frozen meat semi-finished products by months in cost terms in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dol.

59.Volume of Russian import of frozen meat semi-finished products by the largest countries of origin in physical terms in 2011, t

60.Volume of Russian import of frozen meat semi-finished products by the largest countries of origin in cost terms in 2011, ths. dol.

61.Dynamics of volume of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood in physical terms in 2007-2012*, t

62.Dynamics of volume of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood in cost terms in 2007-2012*, ths. dol.

63.Dynamics of volume of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood in physical terms in 2007-July, 2012, t

64.Dynamics of volume of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood in cost terms in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dol.

65.Volume of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood by the largest countries of origin in physical terms in 2011, t

66.Volume of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood by the largest countries of origin in cost terms in 2011, ths. dol.

67.Dynamics of volume of Russian import of frozen fruit and berries in physical terms in 2007-2012*, t

68.Dynamics of volume of Russian import of frozen fruit and berries in cost terms in 2007-2012*, ths. dol.

69.Dynamics of volume of Russian import of frozen fruit and berries by months in physical terms in 2007-July, 2012, t

70.Dynamics of volume of Russian import of frozen fruit and berries by months in cost terms in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dol.

71.Volume of Russian import of frozen fruit and berries by the largest countries of origin in physical terms in 2011, t

72.Volume of Russian import of frozen fruit and berries by the largest countries of origin in cost terms in 2011, ths. dol

73.Dynamics of Russian import of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato in physical terms in 2007-2012*, t

74.Dynamics of volume of Russian import of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato in cost terms in 2007-2012*, ths. dol.

75.Dynamics of volume of Russian import of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by months in physical terms in 2007-July, 2012, t

76.Dynamics of volume of Russian import of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by months in cost terms in 2007-2011, ths. dol.

77.Volumes of Russian import of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by the largest countries of origin in physical terms in 2011, t

78.Volume of Russian import of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by the largest countries of origin in cost terms in 2011, ths. dol

79.Dynamics of volume of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products in 2007-2012*, t

80.Dynamics of volume of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products in 2007-2012*, ths. dol.

81.Dynamics of volume of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products by months in 2007-July, 2012*, t

82.Dynamics of volume of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products by months in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dol.

83.Volumes of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products by the largest countries of destination in 2011, t

84.Volume of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products by the largest countries of destination in 2011, ths. dol

85.Dynamics of volume of Russian export of frozen meat semi-finished products in 2007-2012*, t

86.Dynamics of volume of Russian export of frozen meat semi-finished products in 2007-2012*, ths. dol.

87.Dynamics of volume of Russian export of frozen meat semi-finished products by months in 2007-July, 2012, t

88.Dynamics of volume of Russian export of frozen meat semi-finished products by months in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dol.

89.Volume of Russian export of frozen meat semi-finished products by the largest countries of destination in 2011, t

90.Volume of Russian export of frozen meat semi-finished products by the largest countries of destination in 2011, ths. dol.

91.Dynamics of volume of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood in 2007-2012*, t

92.Dynamics of volume of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood in 2007-2012*, ths. dol.

93.Dynamics of volume of Russian export of fish semi-finished products by months in 2007-July, 2012, t

94.Dynamics of volume of Russian export of fish semi-finished products by months in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dol.

95.Volume of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood by the largest countries of destination in 2011, t

96.Volume of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood by the largest countries of destination in 2011, ths. dol.

97.Dynamics of volume of Russian export of frozen fruit and berries in 2007-2012*, t

98.Dynamics of volume of Russian export of frozen fruit and berries in 2007-2012*, ths. dol.

99.Dynamics of volume of Russian export of frozen fruit and berries by months in 2007-July, 2012, t

100.Dynamics of volume of Russian export of frozen fruit and berries by months in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dol.

101.Volume of Russian export of frozen fruit and berries by the largest countries of destination in 2011, t

102.Volume of Russian export of frozen fruit and berries by the largest countries of destination in 2011, ths. dol.

103.Dynamics volume of Russian export of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato in 2007-2012*, t

104.Dynamics volume of Russian export of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato in 2007-2012*, ths. dol.

105.Dynamics of volume of Russian export of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by months in 2007-July, 2012, t

106.Dynamics of volume of Russian export of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by months in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dol.

107.Volume of Russian export of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by the largest countries of destination in 2001, t

108.Volume of Russian export of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by the largest countries of destination in 2011, ths. dol.

109.Dynamics of an average producers` price for meat semi-finished products in RF in 2007-August, 2012, rub/t

110.Dynamics of an average producers` price for meat semi-finished products in RF by months in 2007-August, 2012, rub/t

111.Dynamics of an average producers` price for dumplings in RF in 2009-August, 2012, rub/t

112.Dynamics of an average producers` price for dumplings in RF by months in 2009-August, 2012, rub/t

113.Dynamics of an average producers` price for minced meat in RF by months in 2009-August, 2012, rub/t

114.Dynamics of an average producers` price for minced meat in RF by months in 2009-August, 2012, rub. t.

115.Dynamics of an average producers` price for natural meat semi-finished productsin big pieces in RF in the period from April, 2009-August, 2012, rub/t

116.Dynamics of an average producers` price for natural meat semi-finished productsin big pieces in RF by months in the period from April, 2009-August, 2012, rub/t

117.Dynamics of an average producers` price for meat semi-finished products in portions and small pieces in RF in 2007-August, 2012, rub/t

118.Dynamics of an average producers` price for meat semi-finished products in portions and small pieces in RF by months in 2007-August, 2012, rub/t

119.Dynamics of an average producers` price for meat semi-finished products in portions and small pieces in RF in 2009-August, 2012, rub/t

120.Dynamics of an average producers` price for other meat semi-finished products in RF by months in the period from April, 2009-August, 2012, rub/t

121.Dynamics of an average producers` price for frozen fish fillet (not produced on board a fishing vessels) in RF in 2009-august, 2012, rub/t

122.Dynamics of an average producers` price for frozen fish fillet (not produced on board a fishing vessels) in RF by months in 2009-August, 2012, rub/t

123.Dynamics of an average producers` price for frozen vegetables and mushrooms in RF in 2011-August, 2012, rub/t

124.Dynamics of an average producers` price for frozen vegetables and mushrooms in RF by months in 2011-August, 2012, rub/t

125.Dynamics of an average producers` price for ends of cuts and ragout in RF in the period from April, 2009-August, 2012, rub/t

126.Dynamics of an average producers` price for ends of cuts and ragout in RF by months in the period from April, 2009-August, 2012, rub/t

127.Dynamics of an average retail price for dumplings, mantou, ravioli in RF in 2007-July, 2012, rub/kg

128.Dynamics of an average retail price for dumplings, mantou, ravioli in RF by months in 2007-July, 2012, rub/kg

129.Dynamics of an average retail price for minced meat in RF in 2007-July, 2012, rub/kg

130.Dynamics of an average retail price for minced meat in RF by months in 2007-July, 2012, rub/kg

131.Dynamics of an average retail price for fish fillet in RF in 2007-July, 2012, rub/kg

132.Dynamics of an average retail price for fish fillet in RF by months in 2007-July, 2012, rub/kg

133.Dynamics of an average retail price for frozen vegetables in RF in 2009-July, 2012, rub/kg

134.Dynamics of an average retail price for frozen vegetables in RF by months in 2009-July, 2012, rub/kg

135.Consumer`s preferences by types of packed frozen semi-finished products, %

136.Consumer`s preferences of Moscow citizens by brands of frozen semi-finished products, %

137.Factors impacting on the choice of frozen semi-finished products, %

138.Most famous brands of dumplings among citizens of Saint Petersburg in 2008-2009, %

139.Preferences of consumers in Moscow by types of frozen vegetables and fruit, %

140.Frequency of purchases of frozen vegetables made by Moscow consumers, %

141.Preferences of Moscow consumers by the places where frozen vegetables and fruit are bought, %

142.Seasonality of consumption of frozen vegetables in Moscow, %

143.Dynamics of volume of Russian market of frozen semi-finished products in 2009-2011 and forecast for 2012-2015, t

144.Dynamics of import share on the market of frozen semi-finished products in physical terms in 2009-2015*, %

List of diagrams:

1.Structure of Russian market of frozen semi-finished products in physical terms in 2011, %

2.Dynamics of structure of Russian market of frozen semi-finished products in physical terms in 2009-2012*, %

3.Import share on the Russian market of frozen semi-finished products in physical terms in 2011, %

4.Dynamics of import share on the Russian market of of frozen semi-finished products in physical terms in 2009-2011, %

5.Structure of sales of frozen semi-finished products by trade channels in money terms, %

6.Share of import on the Russian market of meat semi-finished products in physical terms in 2011, %

7.Dynamics of import share on the Russian market of frozen meat semi-finished products in physical terms in 2009-2011, %

8.Share of import on the Russian market of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood in physical terms in 2011, %

9.Dynamics of import share on the Russian market of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood in physical terms in 2009-2011, %

10.Import share on the Russian market of frozen fruit and berries in physical terms in 2011, %

11.Dynamics of import share on the Russian market of frozen fruit and berries in physical terms in 2009-2011, %

12.Import share on the Russian market of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potatoes in physical terms in 2011, %

13.Dynamics of import share on the Russian market of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potatoes in physical terms in 2009-2011, %

14.Structure of market of frozen vegetables and fruit by the largest players, %

15.Structure of Russian production of frozen semi-finished products by types in January-August of 2012, %

16.Changes in the structure of Russian production of frozen semi-finished products by types in 2009-2011, %

17.Structure of Russian production of frozen semi-finished products by federal districts in 2011, %

18.Dynamics of structure of Russian production of frozen semi-finished products by federal districts in 2009-2011, %

19.Regional structure of Russian production of frozen semi-finished products in 2011, %

20.Dynamics of regional structure of production of frozen semi-finished products in 2009-2011, %

21.Structure of Russian production of frozen semi-finished products by types in 2011, %

22.Change of structure of Russian production of meat (meat-containing) and frozen semi-finished products by types in 2010-2011, %

23.Structure of Russian production of frozen meat semi-finished products by federal districts in 2011, %

24.Dynamics of structure of Russian production of frozen meat semi-finished products by federal districts in 2009-2011, %

25.Regional structure of Russian production of frozen meat semi-finished products in 2011, %

26.Dynamics of regional structure of frozen meat semi-finished products in 2009-2011, %

27.Structure of Russian production of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood by federal districts in 2011, %

28.Dynamics of structure of Russian production of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood by federal districts in 2009-2011, %

29.Regional structure of Russian production of semi-finished products out of fish and seafood in 2011, %

30.Dynamics of regional structure of Russian production of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood in 2009-2011, %

31.Structure of Russian production of frozen fruit and berries by federal districts in 2011, %

32.Dynamics of structure of Russian production of frozen fruit and berries by federal districts in 2007-2011, %

33.Regional structure of Russian production of frozen fruit and berries in 2011, %

34.Dynamics of regional structure of production of frozen fruit and berries in 2007-2011, %

35.Structure of Russian production of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potatoes by types in 2011, %

36.Change of structure of Russian production of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potatoes by types in 2009-2011, %

37.Structure of Russian production of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potatoes by federal districts in 2011, %

38.Dynamics of structure of Russian production of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potatoes by federal districts in 2009-2011, %

39.Regional structure of Russian production of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potatoes in 2011, %

40.Dynamics of regional structure of Russian production of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potatoes in 2009-2011, %

41.Share of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian producers of dumplings in 2009, %

42.Share of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian cutlet production in 2009, %

43.Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of minced meat in 2009, %

44.Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of poultry semi-finished products in small pieces in 2009, %

45.Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of breaded poultry semi-finished products in small pieces in 2009, %

46.Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of meat meals with garnish and pies in 2009, %

47.Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of meatballs in 2009, %

48.Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of quickly frozen fruit and vegetable products in 2009, %

49.Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of freshly frozen vegetables and vegetable mixes in 2009, %

50.Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of frozen potato in 2009, %

51.Structure of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products by types in physical terms in January-July, 2012, %

52.Structure of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products by types in money terms in January-July, 2012, %

53.Dynamics of structure of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products by types in physical terms in 2007-2011, %

54.Dynamics of structure of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products by types in cost terms in 2007-2011, %

55.Structure of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products by countries of origin in physical terms in 2011, %

56.Dynamics of structure of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products by countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-2011, %

57.Structure of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products by countries of origin in money terms in 2011, %

58.Dynamics of structure of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products by countries of origin in money terms in 2007-2011, %

59.Structure of Russian import of frozen meat semi-finished products by types in physical terms in January-July, 2012, %

60.Structure of Russian import of frozen meat semi-finished products by types in money terms in January-July, 2012, %

61.Structure of Russian import of frozen meat semi-finished products by countries of origin in physical terms in 2011, %

62.Dynamics of structure of Russian import of frozen meat semi-finished products by countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-2011, %

63.Dynamics of structure of Russian import of frozen meat semi-finished products by countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-2011, %

64.Dynamics of structure of Russian import of frozen meat semi-finished products by countries of origin in cost terms in 2007-2011, %

65.Structure of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood by countries of origin in physical terms in 2011, %

66.Dynamics of structure of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood by countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-2011, %

67.Structure of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood by countries of origin in cost terms in 2011, %

68.Dynamics of structure of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood by countries of origin in cost terms in 2007-2011, %

69.Structure of Russian import of frozen fruit and berries by types in physical terms in January-July, 2012, %

70.Structure of Russian import of frozen fruit and berries by types in cost terms in January-July, 2012, %

71.Structure of Russian import of frozen fruit and berries by countries of origin in physical terms in 2011, %

72.Dynamics of structure of Russian import of frozen fruit and berries by countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-2011, %

73.Structure of Russian import of frozen fruit and berries by countries of origin in cost terms in 2011, %

74.Dynamics of structure of Russian import of frozen fruit and berries by countries of origin in cost terms in 2007-2011, %

75.Structure of Russian import of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by types in physical terms in January-July, 2012, %

76.Structure of Russian import of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by types in cost terms in January-July, 2012, %

77.Structure of Russian import of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by countries of origin in physical terms in 2011, %

78.Dynamics of structure of Russian import of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-2011, %

79.Structure of Russian import of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by countries of origin in cost terms in 2011, %

80.Dynamics of structure of Russian import of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by countries of origin in money terms in 2007-2011, %

81.Structure of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products by types in physical terms in January-July, 2012, %

82.Structure of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products by types in cost terms in January-July, 2012, %

83.Dynamics of structure of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products by types in physical terms in 2007-2011, %

84.Dynamics of structure of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products in cost terms in 2007-2011, %

85.Structure of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products by the largest countries of destination in physical terms in 2011, %

86.Dynamics of structure of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products by the largest countries of destination in physical terms in 2007-2011, %

87.Structure of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products by the largest countries of destination in cost terms in 2011, %

88.Dynamics of structure of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products by the largest countries of destination in money terms in 2007-2011, %

89.Structure of Russian export of frozen meat semi-finished products by types in physical terms in January-July, 2012, %

90.Structure of Russian export of frozen meat semi-finished products by types in cost terms in January-July, 2012, %

91.Diagram 76. Structure of Russian export of frozen meat semi-finished products by the largest countries of destination in physical terms in 2011, %

92.Dynamics of structure of Russian export of frozen meat semi-finished products by the largest countries of destination in physical terms in 2007-2011, %

93.Structure of Russian export of frozen meat semi-finished products by countries of destination in cost terns in 2011, %

94.Dynamics of structure of Russian export of frozen meat semi-finished products by countries of destination in cost terms in 2007-2011, %

95.Structure of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood by countries of destination in physical terms in 2011, %

96.Dynamics of structure of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood by countries of destination in physical terms in 2007-2011, %

97.Structure of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood by countries of destination in money terms in 2011, %

98.Dynamics of structure of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood by countries of destination in cost terms in 2007-2011, %

99.Structure of Russian export of frozen fruit and berries by countries of destination in physical terms in 2011, %

100.Dynamics of structure of Russian export of frozen fruit and berries by countries of destination in physical terms in 2007-2011, %

101.Structure of Russian export of frozen fruit and berries by countries of destination in cost terms in 2011, %

102.Dynamics of structure of Russian export of frozen fruit and berries by countries of destination in cost terms in 2007-2011, %

103.Structure of Russian export of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by types in physical terms in January-July, 2012, %

104.Structure of Russian export of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by types in cost terms in January-July, 2012, %

105.Structure of Russian export of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by the largest countries of destination in physical terms in 2011, %

106.Dynamics of structure of Russian export of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by countries of destination in physical terms in 2007-2011, %

107.Structure of Russian export of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by countries of destination in cost terms in 2011, %

108.Dynamics of structure of Russian export of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by countries of destination in cost terms in 2007-2011, %

List of tables:

1.Population number of the largest cities of Russia according to Russian general census of 2010, ths. peop

2.Production volumes of frozen semi-finished products by types in 2009-August, 2012, t

3.Production volumes of frozen semi-finished products by months in 2009-August, 2012, t

4.Production volumes of frozen semi-finished products in federal districts of RF in 2009-2011, t

5.Production volumes of frozen semi-finished products by regions of RF in 2009-2011, t

6.Production volumes of frozen meat semi-finished products by types in 2010-2011, t

7.Production volumes of frozen meat semi-finished products by months in 2009-August, 2012, t

8.Production volumes of frozen meat semi-finished products in federal districts of RF in 2009-2011, t

9.Production volumes of frozen meat semi-finished products by regions of RF in 2009-2011, t

10. Production volumes of semi-finished products out of fish and seafood by months in 2009-August, 2012, t

11. Production volume of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood in federal districts of RF in 2009-2011, t

12. Production volumes of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood by regions of RF in 2009-2011, t

13. Volume of production of frozen fruit and berries in by months in 2008-August, 2012, t

14.Volumes of production of frozen fruit and berries in federal districts of RF in 2007-2011, t

15.Volumes of production of frozen fruit and berries by regions of RF in 2007-2011, t

16.Volumes of production of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potatoes by types in 2009-2011, t

17.Volumes of production of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potatoes by months in 2009-August, 2012, t

18. Production volumes of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potatoes in federal districts of RF in 2009-2011, t

19. Production volumes of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potatoes by regions of RF in 2011, t

20. Production volumes of dumplings by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, t

21. Production volumes of cutlets by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, t

22.Production volumes of minced meat by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, t

23.Production volumes of frozen poultry semi-finished products in small pieces by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, t

24.Production volumes of frozen breaded poultry semi-finished products in small pieces by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, t

25. Production volumes of meat meals with garnish and pies stuffed with meat by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, t

26.Production volumes of meatballs by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, t

27.Production volumes of semi-finished products out of vegetables and fruit by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, t

28.Production volumes of freshly frozen vegetables and vegetable mixes by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, t

29.Production volumes of potato semi-finished products by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, t

30.Volumes of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products by types in physical terms in 2007-July, 2012, t

31.Volumes of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products by types in cost terms in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dol.

32.Volumes of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products by months in physical terms in 2007-July, 2012, t

32.Volumes of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products by months in physical terms in 2007-July, 2012, t

33.Volumes of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products by months in money terms in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dollars

34.Volume of import of frozen semi-finished products to Russia by countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-2011, t

35.Volume of import of frozen semi-finished products to Russia by countries of origin in money terms in 2007-2011, ths. dol.

36.Volumes of Russian import of frozen meat semi-finished products by types in physical terms in 2007-July, 2012, t

37.Volumes of Russian import of frozen meat semi-finished products by types in cost terms in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dol.

38.Volumes of Russian import of frozen meat semi-finished products by months in physical terms in 2007-July, 2012, t

39.Volumes of Russian import of frozen meat semi-finished products by months in money terms in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dol.

40.Volume of import of frozen meat semi-finished products to Russia by countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-2011, t

41.Volume of import of frozen meat semi-finished products to Russia by countries of origin in cost terms in 2007-2011, ths. dol

42.Volumes of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood by months in physical terms in 2007-July, 2012, t

43.Volumes of Russian import of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood by months in cost terms in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dol

44.Volume of import of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood to Russia by countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-2011, t

45.Volume of import of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood to Russia by countries of origin on cost terms in 2007-2011, ths. dol

46.Volumes of Russian import of frozen fruit and berries by types in physical terms in 2007-July, 2012, t

47.Volumes of Russian import of frozen fruit and berries by types in cost terms in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dol.

48.Volumes of Russian import of frozen fruit and berries by months in physical terms in 2007-July, 2012, t

49.Volumes of Russian import of frozen fruit and berries by months in cost terms in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dol.

50.Volume of Russian import of frozen fruit and berries by the largest countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-2011, t

51.Volume of import of frozen fruit and berries to Russia by countries of origin in cost terms in 2007-2011, ths. dol.

52.Volumes of Russian import of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by types in physical terms in 2007-July, 2012, t

53.Volumes of Russian import of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by types in cost terms in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dol.

54. Volumes of Russian import of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by months in physical terms in 2007-July, 2012, t

55.Volumes of Russian import of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by months in cost terms in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dol.

56.Volume of import of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato to Russia by the largest countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-2011, t

57.Volume of import of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato to Russia by countries of origin in cost terms in 2007-2011, ths. dol

58.Volumes of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products by types in physical terms in 2007-July, 2012, t

59.Volumes of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products by types in cost terms in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dol.

60.Volumes of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products by months in physical terms in 2007-July, 2012,

61.Volumes of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products by months in cost terms in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dol.

62.Volume of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products by the largest countries of destination in 2007-2011, t

63.Volume of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products by the largest countries of destination in 2007-2011, ths. dol.

64.Volumes of Russian export of frozen meat semi-finished products by types in physical terms in 2007-July, 2012, t

65.Volumes of Russian export of frozen meat semi-finished products by types in money terms in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dol.

66.Volumes of Russian export of frozen meat semi-finished products by months in physical terms in 2007-July, 2012, t

67.Volumes of Russian export of frozen meat semi-finished products by months in money terms in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dol.

68.Volume of Russian export of frozen meat semi-finished products by the largest countries of destination in 2007-2011, t

69.Volume of Russian export of frozen meat semi-finished products by the largest countries of destination in 2007-2011, ths. dol.

70.Volumes of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood by months in physical terms in 2007-July, 2012, t

71.Volumes of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood by months in cost terms in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dol.

72.Volume of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood by countries of destination in 2007-2011, t

73.Volume of Russian export of frozen semi-finished products out of fish and seafood by countries of destination in 2007-2011, ths. dol.

74.Volumes of Russian export of frozen fruit and berries by types in physical terms in 2007-July, 2012, t

75.Volumes of Russian export of frozen fruit and berries by types in cost terms in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dol.

76.Volumes of Russian export of frozen fruit and berries by months in physical terms in 2007-July, 2012, t

77.Volumes of Russian export of frozen fruit and berries by months in cost terms in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dol.

78.Volume of Russian export of frozen fruit and berries by the largest countries of destination in 2007-2011, t

79.Volume of Russian export of frozen fruit and berries by countries of destination in 2007-2011, ths. dol

80.Volumes of Russian export of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by types in physical terms in 2007-July, 2012, t

81.Volumes of Russian export of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by types in cost terms in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dol

82.Volumes of Russian export of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by months in physical terms in 2007-July, 2012, t

83.Volumes of Russian export of frozen fruit and berries by months in cost terms in 2007-July, 2012, ths. dol

84.Volume of Russian export of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by countries of destination in 2007-2011, t

85.Volume of Russian export of frozen vegetables, mushrooms and potato by the largest countries of destination in 2007-2011, ths. dol

86.Average producers` price for meat semi-finished products in RF by months in 2007-August, 2012, rub/t

87.Average producers` price for dumplings in RF by months in 2009-August, 2012, rub/t

88.Average producers` price for minced meat in RF by months in 2009-August, 2012, rub/t

89.Average producers` price for meat semi-finished products in big pieces in RF by months in the period from April, 2009-August, 2012, rub/t

90.Average producers` price for meat semi-finished products in portions and small pieces in RF by months in 2007-August, 2012, rub/t

91.Average producers` price for other meat semi-finished products in RF by months in the period from April, 2009-August, 2012, rub/t

92.Average producers` price for frozen fish fillet (not produced on board a fishing vessels) in RF by months in 2009-August, 2012, rub/t

93.Average producers` price for frozen vegetables and mushrooms in RF by months in 2011-August, 2012, rub/t

94.Average producers` price for ends of cuts and ragout in RF by months in the period from April, 2009-August, 2012, rub/t

95.Average retail price for dumplings, mantou, ravioli in RF by months in 2007-July, 2012, rub/kg

96.Average retail price for minced meat in RF by months in 2007-July, 2012, rub/kg

97.Average retail price for fish fillet in RF by months in 2007-July, 2012, rub/kg г

98.Average retail price for frozen vegetables in RF by months in 2007-July, 2012, rub/kg

99.Number of personnel of “Invest Aliance” LTD, ppl.

100.Production volumes of products of “Invest Aliance” LTD

101.Balance sheet of “Invest Aliance” LTD, ths. rub.

102.Profit and loss statement of “Invest Aliance” LTD, ths. rub.

103.Cash flow statement of “Invest Aliance” LTD, ths. rub.

104.Dynamics of activities of “Invest Aliance” LTD

105.Number of personnel of “Ostankinsky meat processing factory” JSC, ppl

106.Shareholders of “Ostankinsky meat processing factory” JSC

107.Subsidiary companies of“Ostankinsky meat processing factory” JSC

108.Production volumes of products of “Ostankinsky meat processing factory” JSC

109.Balance sheet of “Ostankinsky meat processing factory” JSC, ths. rub.

110.Profit and loss statement of “Ostankinsky meat processing factory” JSC, ths. rub.

111.Cash flow statement of “Ostankinsky meat processing factory” JSC, ths. rub.

112.Dynamics of activities of “Ostankinsky meat processing factory” JSC

113.Number of personnel of “Producty Pitaniya Factory” LTD., ppl

114.Shareholders of “Producty Pitaniya Factory” LTD

115.Subsidiary companies “Producty Pitaniya Factory” LTD

116.Production volumes of products of “Producty Pitaniya Factory” LTD

117.Balance sheet of “Producty Pitaniya Factory” LTD, ths. rub.

118.Profit and loss statement of “Producty Pitaniya Factory” LTD, ths. rub.

119.Cash flow statement of “Producty Pitaniya Factory” LTD, ths. rub.

120.Dynamics of activities of “Producty Pitaniya Factory” LTD

121.Shareholders of “Vichunai-Rus” LTD

122.Production volumes of products of “Vichunai-Rus” LTD

123.Balance sheet of “Vichunai-Rus” LTD, ths. rub.

124.Profit and loss statement of “Vichunai-Rus” LTD, ths. rub.

125.Cash flow statement of “Vichunai-Rus” LTD, ths. rub.

126.Dynamics of activities of “Vichunai-Rus” LTD

127.Shareholders of “AIS-PRODUCT”, LTD

128.Production volumes of products of “AIS-PRODUCT”, LTD

129.Balance sheet of “AIS-PRODUCT”, LTD., ths. rub.

130.Profit and loss statement of “AIS-PRODUCT”, LTD, ths. rub.

131.Cash flow statement of “AIS-PRODUCT”, LTD, ths. rub

132.Dynamics of activities of “AIS-PRODUCT”, LTD

133.Shareholders of “Fish processing factory №1”, JSC

134.Subsidiary companies of “Fish processing factory №1”, JSC

135.Production volumes of products of “Fish processing factory №1”, JSC

136.Balance sheet of “Fish processing factory №1”, JSC, ths. rub.

137.Profit and loss statement of “Fish processing factory №1”, JSC, ths. rub.

138.Cash flow statement of “Fish processing factory №1”, JSC, ths. rub.

139.Dynamics of activities of “Fish processing factory №1”, JSC

140.Shareholders of “LINA”, LTD

141.Subsidiary companies of “LINA”, LTD

142.Balance sheet of “LINA”, LTD., ths. rub

143.Profit and loss statement of “LINA”, LTD, ths. rub

144.Cash flow statement of “LINA”, LTD., ths. rub

145.Dynamics of activities of “LINA”, LTD

146.Shareholders of “RAVIOLI” LTD

147.Production volumes of products of “RAVIOLI” LTD

148.Balance sheet of “RAVIOLI” LTD, ths. rub

149.Profit and loss statement of “RAVIOLI” LTD, ths. rub

150.Cash flow statement of “RAVIOLI” LTD, ths. rub

151.Dynamics of activities of “RAVIOLI” LTD

152.Shareholders of “ELIKA” LTD

153.Production volumes of products of “ELIKA” LTD

154.Balance sheet of “ELIKA” LTD, ths. rub

155.Profit and loss statement of “ELIKA” LTD., ths. rub

156.Cash flow statement of “ELIKA” LTD, ths. rub

157.Dynamics of activities of “ELIKA” LTD

158.Rating of trademarks on the Russian market of dumplings

159.Rating of most famous brands of dumplings in Moscow

List of schemes:

1.Classification of frozen semi-finished products

2.Distribution channels of frozen semi-finished products on the Russian market

Исследования по теме
Название исследования Дата Цена
Российский рынок хлеба и хлебобулочных изделий: итоги 2019 г., прогноз до 2022 г. 18 Мая 2020 75000 руб.
Рынок соков Украины 9 Января 2013 29900 руб.
Мировой и российский рынок куриного мяса - 2011 6 Мая 2011 40500 руб.

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Актуальные исследования и бизнес-планы
Маркетинговое исследование и анализ строительного рынка, рынка керамического и силикатного кирпича в РФ (12 субъектов), 2011-2013 гг.
1 Обзор строительного рынка в РФ (12 выделенных субъектов), 2011-2013 гг.
1.1 Объемы ввода в эксплуатацию жилых зданий, 2011-2013
1.2 Объемы ввода в эксплуатацию кирпичных зданий, 2011-2013
1.3 Объемы ввода в эксплуатацию зданий, введенных населением, 2011-2013
1.4 Динамика ввода в эксплуатацию жилых зданий и ИЖС, 2011-2013
1.5 Тенденции замещения федеральными строительными компаниями местных игроков, прогноз до 2018 гг.
1.6 Новые (с начала 2014 г.) проекты по строительству многоэтажных жилых домов: применение стеновых материалов
2. Анализ рынка керамического полуторного кирпича в РФ (12 выделенных субъектов), 2011-2013 гг.
2.1. Объем и динамика рынка, 2011-2013 гг.
2.2. Прогноз развития рынка до 2018 гг.
2.3. Анализ производителей керамического полуторного кирпича базирующихся в конкретном регионе:
2.3.1. Профили компаний
▪ Объем производства
▪ Цвет кирпича
▪ Цены на кирпич разных цветов
▪ Наличие или планы по выпуску кирпича с внутренней стенкой 20 мм и более или морозостойкостью от 75 циклов, цены на кирпич этого вида

2.3.2. Планируемый год выхода на рынок (мощность, год выхода на рынок)
2.4. Анализ керамического полуторного кирпича произведенного в других…
Маркетинговое исследование нефтегазовой отрасли в Казахстане
Методологические комментарии к исследованию.

Глава 1. Анализ нефтегазовой отрасли в России.
1. Основные характеристики отрасли
1.1. Текущее состояние отрасли и тенденции развития
2. Планируемые к разработке месторождения до 2018 года
3. Планы по бурению скважин до 2018 года

Глава 2. Анализ нефтегазовой отрасли, Туркменистан.
1. Основные характеристики отрасли
1.1. Текущее состояние отрасли и тенденции развития
2. Планируемые к разработке месторождения до 2018 года
3. Планы по бурению скважин до 2018 года

Глава 3. Анализ нефтегазовой отрасли, Казахстан.
1. Основные характеристики отрасти
1.1. Текущее состояние отрасли и тенденции развития
2. Существующие месторождения/скважины
3. Операторы месторождений/скважин
4. Планируемые к разработке месторождения до 2018 года
5. Планы по бурению скважин до 2018 года
6. Планы по закупке оборудования для скважин до 2018 года
7. Критерии выбора поставщиков у основных потребителей
8. Конкурентный анализ: крупнейшие производители/продавцы
8.1. Основные компании-конкуренты: объем производства и доля на рынке
8.2. Основные дистрибьюторские компании и их доли на рынке
9. Анализ импортной продук…
Анализ рынка коньяков и винных напитков в России в 2005-2010 гг, прогноз на 2011-2014 гг
Аннотация Предложение коньяков и винных напитков в России в 2005-2009 гг росло на 8,5-13,7% в год. К 2009 г предложение достигло 235,9 млн л, что на 80,5 млн л больше показателя 2005 г. В 2010 г рост объема предложения замедлится. В 2011-2014 гг предложение коньяков и винных напитков в России будет снижаться, поскольку рынок уже насыщен и спрос на данные продукты не будет расти, как в докризисные годы. Внутреннее производство коньяков и винных напитков вносит основной вклад в предложение товаров в России. Максимальная доля импортной продукции на рынке наблюдалась в 2005 г и составляла 34,5% от объема предложения. В 2006-2009 гг доля импорта коньяков и винных напитков в общем объеме предложения снижалась и в 2009 г составила 7,1% от всего объема предложения. В 2010-2014 гг доля импортной продукции на рынке коньяков и винных напитков будет составлять 7,5-10,7% от объема предложения. Спрос на коньяки и винные напитки в 2005-2009 гг рос и к 2008 г достиг 143,6 млн л. В 2009 г спрос на коньяки и винные напитки снизился на 8,5% по сравнению с 2008 г. Падение спроса связано с переходом потребителей на более дешевые спиртные напитки в связи с экономическим кризисом. В 2010-2014 гг восстановление экономики страны будет способствовать росту спроса на коньяки и винные напитки в России сред…
Развитие производства кондитерских изделий с целью расширения рынка сбыта в Архангельской области
Структура бизнес-плана «Развитие производства кондитерских изделий с целью расширения рынка сбыта в Архангельской области»:



2.1. Описание предполагаемого проекта
2.2. Описание продукции
2.2.1. Особенности организации производства мучных кондитерских изделий
2.2.2. Особенности организации производства блинов
2.3. Информация об участниках проекта
2.4. Месторасположение проекта


3.1. Анализ рынка мучных кондитерских изделий в Архангельской области, 2013-2014 гг.
3.1.1. Обзор рынка мучных кондитерских изделий в Архангельской области, 2013-2014 гг.
3.1.2. Объем и динамика производства мучных кондитерских изделий в Архангельской области, 2013-2014 гг.
3.1.3. Основные тенденции на рынке
3.1.4. Анализ потребителей (в т.ч. продуктовые сети). Сегментация потребителей
3.1.5. Обзор потенциальных конкурентов
3.1.6. Ценообразование на рынке

3.2. Анализ рынка свежих и замороженных блинов в Архангельской области, 2013-2014 гг.
3.2.1. Обзор рынка свежих и замороженных блинов в Архангельской области, 2013-2014 гг.
3.2.2. Объем и динамика производства блинов в Архангельск…
Бизнес-стратегия развития компании
1. Анализ исходных данных:
1.1. Организационная структура предприятия
1.2. Система организации внутренней и внешней логистики, включая анализ процесса закупки, транспортные потоки, складское хозяйство
1.3. Система управления качеством
1.4.Комплексная диагностика системы управления производством и организации труда
1.4.1. Система планирования численности производственного персонала
1.4.2.Система оплаты и нормирования труда, мотивация производственного персонала
1.4.3. Система развития производственного персонала
1.4.4. Система планирования производства
1.5 Анализ текущих финансовых показателей компании
1.6.Система управления затратами. ABC-анализ
1.7. Загрузка оборудования. Потребность в ремонте и замене оборудования.
1.8. Анализ технологических процессов, включая нормы расхода материалов, режимы обработки, оснащенность рабочих мест, планировка
1.9. Определение текущей стратегии компании. Обоснование текущей стратегии компании с точки зрения конкуренции, тенденций в отрасли.
1.10. Вывод по разделу 1: Силы и слабости компании
2.Анализ рынка:
2.1. Обзор рынка
2.2. Структура рынка
2.3. Тенденции рынка
2.4. Анализ рынка сбыта. Сегментация потребителей
2.5. Обзор потенциальных кон…
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  Поиск организаций  Поиск изделий 
(c) Автобизнес.ру 2002-2010



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